Earlier this month, two Russian-American brothers were arrested on charges of industrial espionage. 3月早些时候,两名被控从事工业间谍活动的俄罗斯裔美国人被逮捕。
This came shortly after the Russian government announced the arrest of two Russian-Americans on charges of industrial espionage. 此前不久,俄罗斯政府宣布逮捕两名被控从事工业间谍活动的俄罗斯裔美国人。
We are for the protection of intellectual property, said Merkel, who led a large business delegation on her trip to China. Referring to industrial espionage, she said, Germany does not believe that this is the way to success. 默克尔带领了一个商业代表团来华,称我们支持保护知识产权在谈到工业间谍时,默克尔称,德国不相信这是成功的办法。
The company acted as a supplier for the German armed forces and feared possible industrial espionage. 据悉,作为德国军方的供应商,公司担心其可能进行行业间谍活动。
Great Wall Motor, a Hong Kong-listed Chinese car company, is suing Fiat in China for industrial espionage in an apparent response to an Italian court ruling that great wall copied a Fiat car model. 香港上市的中国汽车公司长城汽车(greatwallmotor),正在中国起诉菲亚特(fiat)窃取商业机密,此举明显是对意大利法院裁定长城汽车抄袭菲亚特一款车型的回应。
As a percentage of technology transfer to China, industrial espionage probably is extremely small. 由于对中国的技术转让比例,工业间谍可能是极少数。
We shouldn't neglect any lead: industrial espionage. 所以我们任何线索都不能放过。
The man was charged with industrial espionage. 此人被控告从事工业间谍活动。
Some have also speculated that the hacking could be a giant example of criminal industrial espionage, aimed at stealing intellectual property from American technology firms. 有些人也怀疑,黑客行为可能是一个犯罪的商业间谍行为案例,目标是偷窃美国科技企业的知识产权。
Meanwhile, one of the three executives suspended since last week broke his silence to deny the allegations that he had been linked to what Renault has described as an "international organised network" of industrial espionage. 与此同时,上周停职的三名高管中有一人打破沉默,否认了他与雷诺所说的“有组织国际工业间谍网络”有牵连的指控。
International cyber criminals are costing the British economy "billions of pounds" every year through activities such as industrial espionage and credit card fraud, senior Whitehall officials admitted yesterday. 英国政府高级官员昨天表示,国际网络犯罪分子通过工业间谍和信用卡欺诈等活动,令英国经济每年损失“数十亿英镑”。
The Renault scandal in which three senior executives have been accused of industrial espionage, threatened to turn into a diplomatic incident when China hit back at claims it could have been the destination for stolen information. 三名高管被指涉嫌工业间谍活动的雷诺(Renault)丑闻,可能会转变为一场外交争端。对于中国可能是被窃情报目的地的说法,中国予以了回击。
Industry experts say similar dumpster diving is a common form of industrial espionage. 行业专家说,翻找垃圾是工业间谍的惯用伎俩。
The revelations of the past few days confirm what I have been saying for months when I referred to industrial espionage. 过去几天发生的这些事情肯定了当我几个月前提到工业间谍时所说的那些话。
Human threats& industrial espionage, virus infection, denial-of-service attacks, etc. 人为威胁&商业间谍、病毒感染和DOS攻击等。
The four face jail terms of at least five years for bribery, and the maximum penalty for industrial espionage is seven years. 这四人的受贿行为将面临至少五年的刑期,而商业间谍罪的最高刑期可达七年。
This type of industrial espionage is prevalent in the defense-related industries. 这种类型的工业间谍活动在国防工业内十分普遍。
Recent attention to alleged spying by China has focused on industrial espionage, or cyberwarfare waged by hackers backed by Beijing. 对于中国涉嫌从事的间谍活动,近期各方关注的焦点是工业间谍、或北京方面支持的黑客所发动的网络攻击。